
ReNew is a movement seeking to support a nation of healthy local churches for the evangelisation of England.

In God’s strength and for his glory, ReNew Churches seek to pursue the ReNew Agenda locally, regionally, and nationally.

ReNew Churches are served by volunteer Regional Leaders, a Planning Team, and Trustees.

ReNew Conference is a registered charity in the United Kingdom – Charity No. 1174727

ReNew Agenda

In the last days, compelled by the gospel, under God we aim to pioneer, establish and secure churches.


Pioneering means both planting healthy local churches inside and outside the Church of England and enabling faithful ministers to be appointed to Church of England churches in order to revitalise them. Both involve:

prayerfully selecting a place/church
making wise decisions on the appropriate model to adopt
humbly seeking local gospel partnership
writing a plan, setting a budget and raising funds


As soon as a church is pioneered, the minister will seek to establish faithful Biblical ministry by establishing:

prayerful, expository Bible teaching in all areas of the church’s life
ministries that are effective in maturing disciple-making disciples
intentional recruiting and training of future leaders
a shared understanding across the church of the gospel, gospel ministry, and gospel partnership
a willingness across the core leadership to pursue the priorities identified in this ReNew agenda and to contend for gospel truth


While continuing to pioneer and establish, churches will seek to secure succession of ministry by being united around:

contending for the faith once delivered for all the saints
an agreed church profile
a clear understanding of the succession process, rights and responsibilities, and a readiness to stand their ground in the face of opposition
recruiting a minister who will actively pursue the ReNew agenda
This work of pioneering, establishing and securing will involve sacrifice. But we commit ourselves to it, out of love for the Lord Jesus, who gave himself for us.

To download a printable copy of the ReNew Agenda click here [insert].


ReNew Churches are served by volunteer Regional Leaders, a Planning Team and Trustees.

Regional Leaders

See ReNew Regional Groups [link].

Planning Team


Full details of the roles and responsibilities of ReNew office holders are available for download here [link].

Statements, Policies & Procedures

Policies are agreed by the Trustees of ReNew and are reviewed every three years.
To make any queries about our policies please email admin@renewconference.org.uk
Click the links to download.

Statement of Faith
Privacy (GDPR) Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Social Media Policy
Complaints Procedure


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