Bookings now open

Come join us for the 2025 ReNew Future Leaders Conference North East on Saturday 8th March at Holy Trinity Gateshead.

Speakers include: Ramzi Adcock (Jesmond Parish Church), Lesley Flecknell (Holy Trinity Gateshead), Chris Houghton (Holy Trinity Gateshead), Jonathan Pryke, (Jesmond Parish Church) and Ian Somasundram (St John’s Hebburn).

We have a vision to see healthy Anglican churches across the whole of England.

For this we need a whole new generation of gospel workers – pastors, pastoral workers, evangelists, youth workers and more. This year we are focusing not only on the familiar younger ministry trainees but also equipping leaders in early retirement and/or as bi-vocational workers. Who would this conference benefit in our churches?

We recognise that men and women need help navigating the best way for them to serve the Lord Jesus. Questions you might be asking include:

– Is set-aside gospel ministry for me?
– What training do I need?
– How will this affect my family?
– What about the uncertainties in the Church of England?

We want to give you the best possible support as you work these things out for yourself.

More than that, we want to connect you with a whole network of the next generation of gospel workers who share this godly ambition of seeing people saved to the glory of God through thousands of healthy Anglican churches.

The conference will be open to anyone who comes with their church leader’s blessing.

Lunch will be included.

We look forward to welcoming you!


9:30am – Arrival / doors open 

10:00am – ‘Why do gospel ministry?’ (Ian Somasundram, St John’s Hebburn)

10:45am – Coffee 

11:15am – ‘What is Anglican gospel ministry?’ (Jonathan Pryke, Jesmond Parish Church) incl. Q&A time with both morning speakers

12.30pm – Lunch (with discussion groups)

1:30pm – ‘Guidance – how do I decide what to do?’ (Chris Houghton, Holy Trinity Gateshead)

2:30pm – Coffee, discussion groups and prayer 

3:30pm – Mixed interview panel of men and women in different ministry settings (Ramzi Adcock, Lesley Flecknell, Chris Houghton, Jonathan Pryke & Ian Somasundram)

4:15pm – Close


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